Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Westlife ft Diana Ros
Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Westlife ft Diana Ros ( Faishal Arkan)

Chord Gitar dan Lirik Lagu When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Westlife ft Diana Ross

17 September 2021 20:26 WIB

SonoraBangka.ID - Berikut chord gitar dan lirik lagu When You Tell Me That You Love Me yang dinyanyikan oleh Westlife feat Diana Ross.

When You Tell Me That You Love me dirilis pada 20 Agustus 1991.

Lagu tersebut bergenre soul.

When You Tell Me That You Love me ditulis oleh Albert Hammond and John Bettis.

Chord Kunci Gitar dan Lirik Lagu When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Westlife:

[Verse 1]
i wanna call the stars
down from the sky
i wanna live a day
that never dies
i wanna change the world
only for you
all the impossible
i wanna do

i wanna hold you close
under the rain
i wanna kiss your smile
and feel the pain
i know what's beatiful
looking at you
in a world of lies
you are the truth

and baby
G             G
every time you touch me
Em         Em
i become a hero
C                     C                  D
i'll make you safe no matter where you are
and bring you
G              G
everything you ask for
Em         Em
nothing is above me#
C                  C               D
i'm shining like a candle in the dark
D                         G
when you tell me that you love me

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