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Chord Gitar Dan Lirik Lagu Trouble - Cold Play

1 Juni 2021 09:08 WIB

SonoraBangka.Id - Coldplay adalah grup musik rock yang dibentuk di London, Inggris, pada tahun 1996.


Grup musik ini terdiri dari Chris Martin sebagai vokalis utama, Jonny Buckland sebagai gitaris utama, Guy Berryman sebagai bassis, dan Will Champion sebagai drummer.

Berikut chord kunci gitar Trouble oleh Coldplay, dikutip dari tabs.ultimate guitar.com.

G Em Bm
G Em Bm
G Em Bm
G Em Bm

G Em Bm
Oh no i see
F Am G
A spider web is tangled up with me
G Em Bm
And I lost my head
F Am G
And thought of all the stupid things i’d said

G Em Bm
G Em Bm

G Em Bm
Oh no what’s this
F Am G
A spider web and i’m caught in the middle
G Em Bm
So I turned to run and
F Am G
Thought of all the stupid things i’d done

A Em
And ah i never meant to cause you trouble
A Em
Ah i never meant to do you wrong
A Em
Ah well if I ever caused you trouble
A Em
Then oh no I never meant to do you harm.

G Em Bm
Oh no i see
F Am G
A spider web and it’s me in the middle
G Em Bm
So i twist and turn
F Am G
But here am i in my little bubble

A Em
Singing out ah i never meant to cause you trouble
A Em
Ah i never meant to do you wrong
A Em
And ah well if I ever caused you trouble
A Em
Then oh no I never meant to do you harm.

G Em Bm
G Em Bm
G Em Bm
G Em Bm

Em F#m7 GM7 F#m Em
And they spun a web for me
Em F#m7 GM7 F#m Em
They spun a web for me
Em F#m7 GM7 F#m Em
And they spun a web for me

G Em Bm
G Em Bm
G Em Bm
G Em Bm

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