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Chord Gitar Dan Lirik Lagu The Masterplan - Oasis

2 Juni 2021 14:04 WIB

SonoraBangka.Id - Berikut chord kunci gitar termudah dan link download lagu The Masterplan oleh Oasis.

Oasis adalah band rock influental asal Inggris yang dibentuk di Manchester pada tahun 1991.

Setelah mengganti nama menjadi Oasis, para anggotanya menandatangani kontrak dengan label rekaman indie Creation Records dan setelah itu merilis album perdana mereka Definitely Maybe pada tahun 1994.

Gallagher bersaudara juga secara berkala menjadi topik dalam tabloid dan berita atas gaya hidup liar dan perselisihan mereka

Berikut chord kunci gitar The Masterplan oleh Oasis, dikutip dari tabs.ultimate guitar.com.

Am /G /F /D /Am /E7

[Verse 1]
Am G/A
Take the time to make some sense of what you want to say
F A G Am
And cast your words away upon the waves
Am G
Sail them home with acquiesce on a ship of hope today
F G Am D F
and as they land upon the shore, Tell them not to fear no more
G E7
Say it loud and sing it proud today

Then dance if you wanna dance
Please brother take a chance
Am G F
You know they're gonna go which way they wanna go
All we know is that we don't know how it's gonna be, Please brother let it be
Am G F
Life on the other hand won't let us understand
G Am Am7
We're all part of the masterplan

Am7 /F G /Am E7 /Am7

G E7
Sing it loud and sing it proud today

[verse 2]
Am G/A
I'm not saying right is wrong it's up to us to make
F A G Am
The best of all the things that come our way
Am G/A
Coz everything that's been has passed, the answer's in the looking glass
F G Am D F
there's four n twenty million doors on life's endless corridor
G E7
Say it loud and sing it proud today

We'll dance if they wanna dance
Please brother take a chance
Am G F
You know they're gonna go which way they wanna go
All we know is that we don't know how it's gonna be, Please brother let it be
Am G F
Life on the other hand won't help you understand
We're all part of the masterplan

Am /G /F /D /Am /E7 /Am7

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