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Chord Gitar Dan Lirik Lagu Stay - Post Malone

3 Juni 2021 07:50 WIB

SonoraBangka.Id - Berikut ini Chord kunci gitar Stay Post Malone:

[Verse 1]
     Fmaj7                  Cmaj7/G              Am7
It's true that all that you know is all that you are
You said that it's all that you want and more
Fmaj7                      Cmaj7/G
Fuck off and pour another drink
And tell me what you think
                 (Tab)                    Fmaj7
You know that I'm too drunk to talk right now
You put your cigarette out on my face
So beautiful, please woman

(Tab)                      F
Don't break your back for me
I'll put you out of your misery

Tell me that it's all okay (tell me that it's all okay)
I've been waitin' on this all damn day (waitin' on this all damn day)
Call me in the morn in', tell me how last night went
     F              Fm
I'm here, but don't count on me to...

[Verse 2]
Stay a little longer if you convince me
You tell me all the things that you have against me
Every time we make up, the truth is faded
Everybody's blind when the view's amazin'
Damn, who are we right now?
Can we have a little conversation?

Figure it out with no intoxication
We carry on, what is our motivation?
We're never wrong, how the hell we gonna make it?
(Tab)              Fmaj7
Maybe we're used to this

Tell me, what are we to do
It's like we only play to lose
Chasin' pain with an excuse

I love that shit and so do you

(Tab)                          F
But don't break your back for me
I'll put you out of your misery

Tell me that it's all okay (tell me that it's all okay)
I've been waitin' on this all damn day (waitin' on this all damn day)
Call me in the mornin', tell me how last night went
     F              Fm
I'm here, but don't count on me to stay.

Artikel ini telah tayang di TribunJateng.com dengan judul Chord Kunci Gitar Stay Post Malone, https://jateng.tribunnews.com/2021/05/20/chord-kunci-gitar-stay-post-malone.
Penulis: iam
Editor: abduh imanulhaq

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