Rapper Kanye West menghadiri Fast Company Innovation Festival di New York City pada 7 November 2019.
Rapper Kanye West menghadiri Fast Company Innovation Festival di New York City pada 7 November 2019. ( (AFP/GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA/BRAD BARKET) )

Peringkat 2 di Spotify, Berikut Lirik Lagu Jail - Kanye West

1 September 2021 18:03 WIB

SONORABANGKA.ID - "Jail"  adalah salah satu lagu Kanye West yang terdapat dalam album terbarunya, Donda. Lagu ini diluncurkan pada 2021 besama 26 lagu lain yang juga masuk dalam album tersebut.

Saat ini lagu "Jail" menempati peringkat kedua pada  tangga lagu Spotify Top 50 Global dengan putaran lebih dari sembilan juta kali perharinya.

Berikut ini lirik lagu "Jail" dari Kanye West:

Take what you want Take everything Take what you want Take what you want Better that I change my number so you can't explain Violence in the night, violence in the night Priors, priors, do you have any product? Well, that one time I'll be honest, I'll be honest We all liars Let it go

I'll be honest, we all liars I'll be honest, we all liars I'm pulled over and I got priors Guess we goin' down, guess who's goin' to jail? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? God gon' post my bail tonight

[Kanye West & Francis And The Lights:]

Don't you curse at me on text, why you try to hit the flex? I hold up, like, "What?" I scroll, I scroll up like, "Next" Guess who's getting 'exed? Like, next Guess who's getting 'exed? You made a choice that's your bad, single life ain't so bad But we ain't finna go there Something's off, I'll tell you why Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? What a grand plan to sell you out I could scream and shout, let it out

[Kanye West:]

I'll be honest, we all liars I'll be honest, we all liars I'm pulled over and I got priors Guess we goin' down, guess who's goin' to jail? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? God gon' post my bail tonight


God in my cell, that's my celly Made in the image of God, that's a selfie Pray five times a day, so many felonies Who gon' post my bail? Lord, help me Hol' up, Donda, I'm with your baby when I touch back road Told him, "Stop all of that red cap, we goin' home" Not me with all of these sins, castin' stones This might be the return of The Throne (Throne) Hova and Yeezus, like Moses and Jesus You are not in control of my thesis You already know what I think 'bout think pieces Before you ask, he already told you who he think he is Don't try to jail my thoughts and think pre-cents I can't be controlled with programs and presets

Reset On my cell, in my cell tonight Don't have to see you to touch you This is what braille look like, it's on sight If they take me to jail, call my girl, tell her send my mail We know what Hell look like Still, it's a hell of a life, yikes

[Kanye West:]

Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? Guess who's goin' to jail tonight? God gon' post my bail tonight

Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "Duduki Peringkat 2 di Spotify, Ini Lirik Lagu Jail - Kanye West", Klik untuk baca: https://www.kompas.com/hype/read/2021/09/01/174643466/duduki-peringkat-2-di-spotify-ini-lirik-lagu-jail-kanye-west.

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