Lirik Lagu What You Wanted, Singel Baru dari Shinedow
Lirik Lagu What You Wanted, Singel Baru dari Shinedow ( Putri)

Lirik Lagu What You Wanted, Singel Baru dari Shinedow

6 Juli 2022 15:44 WIB

SonoraBangka.ID - Grup band rock asal Amerika Serikat, Shinedown, melantunkan singel baru berjudul “What You Wanted”.

Singel tersebut muncul di dalam album baru milik mereka yang diberi nama Planet Zero (2022).

Album tersebut berisikan 20 trek, dengan hit lainnya seperti “Planet Zero” dan “Do Not Panic”.

Berikut ini lirik lagu “What You Wanted” dari Shinedown.

"What You Wanted"

We're sick and we're tired
Our nerves are on fire
We're constantly wired
Yeah, it shows
Perhaps we got spun out
All our chances have run out
Could we drown in this drought?
For sure

But underneath it all, your skin might start to crawl
And they know you can't look away
So focus on the screen and kill your self-esteem
Yeah, it's a small price to pay

Goodbye, so long, see you later, good night
Did you get what you wanted? Is this what you wanted?
So long, we hope you enjoyed the ride
Did you get what you wanted? Is this what you wanted?

We don't need supervision
We don't want your religion
Too many cooks in the kitchen
And now we know
You don't know what you're doing
You don't care who you ruin
Just keep the fantasy moving
It's a hell of a show

The revolutions live, just like it, and subscribe
You know we can't look away
If you wanna live the dream, just kill your self-esteem
Oh, what a small price to pay
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